
My name is Jessica, and here, in the field of natural health and healing, is where I'm meant to be. These themes have been of interest to me from an early age and I've taken various steps throughout my life to explore and gain a better understanding of some of their many facets.

Reiki caught my attention in 2010 and I delved into First Degree studies without having previously received a treatment or knowing much about it. I was facing a very difficult period and didn't hold many expectations, but Reiki turned out to be one of the most valuable tools for releasing emotional burdens, and restoring balancing and life flow. With regular self-treatments, I've come to develop a greater understanding and acceptance of myself, I better hear and honour my inner voice, I live in stronger connection with my life desires, and I feel more empowered and able to realize my potential.

My awareness of and dedication for healing continues to evolve, with many discoveries still to be uncovered of course, but I do feel comfortable to begin sharing with others what I've grown to appreciate.

In October of 2011, Gathered Roots was registered with the Government of Canada and I am currently establishing a private practice in my home. I am also enrolled with government-recognized colleges to pursue natural health and healing more extensively. This past year, my focus has been to introduce others to Reiki through in-person as well as distance Reiki treatments. Gradually, I would also like to integrate additional services and products.

This process feels both meaningful and necessary (AND exciting!) to me. It is commonly believed that the Universal Life Force channeled during a Reiki session automatically gravitates toward the area that is in most need of being remedied or enhanced, whether it be on a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level. This concept inspires Gathered Roots' mission.

Simply, I intend for the services offered at Gathered Roots to be reflective of my personal learning experiences and character. From there, I trust that the benefits will manifest for individuals based on what is most needed for them and according to where they are on their unique path.

Thanks to everyone who has and continues to give support during these beginnings.

Take care,
Jessica Bergeron